IT Provider: computer equipment (Servers, Desktops, Laptops, Tablets, WINoIP Terminals, Smartphones), parts and accessories.
Solutions for standard printing and 3D printing with their consumables.
Equipment video projection and digitizing.
Integration and Equipment for VoIP
Solutions for Desktop Virtualization and Voice Services.
Components and solutions for voice and data networks (active and passive).
Functional SAP consulting , development and training.
Interactive messaging solutions for banking, mass consumption, carrier, etc.
EMM (Enterprise Mobility Management) for the management and control of mobile devices in corporate networks.
Direct delivery in the port of each country of destination by air or sea.
Direct delivery to Cargo Handling companies according to customer instructions.
Consolidation of Products for shipment to the country of destination.
BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) (Business Process Outsourcing) Office, Administration, Warehouse and Virtual Logistics for companies that need a strategic operation in Miami.
Cloud Services Cloud Application Hosting.
Cloud IPPBX, Telephone System with global communication in the cloud.
Global corporate agreements
Leasing o web hosting.
International credit lines.
Backup, recovery and commissioning of data in the cloud.
Design of applications on Android operating system.